Business clients »
Industrial objects
For more than 10 years the group of companies AN-Security have been rendering efficient security services to the industrial objects and logistics enterprises.
Any modern industrial or logistics company is a complex integrity with its own infrastructure and production requirements. Therefore, high demands are made to such objects’ protection.
The main tasks facing the group of protection at the industrial object:
- prevention and localization of risks, posing a threat to life and health of staff and visitors;
- prevention of material assets’ losses resulting from the emergency (fire, man-caused accident, etc.);
- prevention of material assets’ losses resulting from direct thefts and thefts on collusion (mainly, finished commodity and raw materials);
- prevention of material assets’ losses resulting from mistakes in stock-taking during the process of production;
- prevention of thefts of material assets and equipment, committed by the personnel of the Customer and contractors, visitors and builders;
- prevention of material assets’ thefts resulting from improper storage and lack of control;
- implementation of the admission regime and the inside-the-object mode;
- prevention of intrusions onto the territory of the protected object with the aim of the property theft or other illegal actions;
- regulation and control of people and vehicles movements on the territory of the object;
- control over the procedure of cleaning the territory and garbage disposal;
- public order maintenance;
- fire risks prevention;
- control over the fire alarm equipment’s and other life-support systems’ intactness;
- antiterrorist activities, protection from criminal encroachments;
- certification of protected objects with risks, technical equipment and security structure indicating;
- formation of feedback from the customer regarding the protection’s performance.
In addition to implementing their duties on ensuring the security of the protected object, the security company’s staff performs an image function. A security guard is associated with the brand of the client-company, and therefore, while on the post, should be aware of his involvement in the maintenance of the high image of his Customer.
Taking into consideration the specific character of this group of the objects of protection and diversity of the tasks in the sphere of their security, AN-Security is always ready to engage in a dialogue with its Customer, even though the aspect may not be within the frames of the Agreement.