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Monitoring Centre.
Innovations are back on the agenda. Fashion for them returns every six years, roughly. Today’s innovation wave, which was gathering its strength before the global financial crisis, in the crisis time had gained the vigor of tsunami. Many companies are considering new technologies implementation as a part of their corporate policy. Main form of innovation nowadays is the new products, which meet the new requirements of the clients.
For AN-Security Holding, which is holding the leading position on the security services market, such an innovation has become a modern monitoring center founded in St.Petersburg. This is a unique project having no direct analogues in Russia; European specialists are engaged in its implementation.
Monitoring Centre is a new round-the-clock remote monitoring security system designed for protection of different objects. Interacting with operational groups the Centre will ensure round-the-clock security, anti-fire, technical and informational monitoring of the dwellings, offices and other premises and objects. It will also organize prompt response in emergency situations and their elimination. It is planned to introduce monitoring motion of the cars, children, elderly people and pets.
Monitoring Centre combines several areas. First of all, here comes telephony - it’s a classical call-centre. Secondly, there is an IT-component: server-room with an individual high-speed Internet channel supply, operators’ working places, accomplished in the form of thin clients. The decision to use thin clients was conditioned by security reasons. Besides, such devices are faster and easier administered. Thirdly, a software component is present - as the software there is used a ready product with minimal modifications requested by the Company. In the future, most likely, the Company’s own software product will be designed. And last but not least, we should mention physical protection – in case of emergency security guard on duty or a mobile group will be sent to the object of protection.
Monitoring Centre enables keeping track and to efficiently react to the emergency situations occurring at the object of protection, which is equipped with the set of motion sensors and a transmitting device.
Monitoring Centre advantages.
One should realize that monitoring does not imply rejection of the physical protection. It would be reasonable to speak about advantages of the mutual work and the partial substitution of the security guard’s functions.
To define the basic advantages it is worth mentioning reaction in the real time regime. There exists wide variety of sensors, starting with the motion sensors and finishing with the pulse sensors, insulin level transmitters and others, designed for the sick people. Besides, the sensors may be placed in the conditions difficult for the work of people, for example, high temperature, high noise-level, etc. And, finally, a high degree of information’s security and the stability of work are determined by the fact that all the information from the objects is processed in one place.
Remote protection is one of the most promising areas on the security market. As the human factor can not be excluded, technics help to solve the situation. Besides, IT-technologies and electronics are being implemented into all the spheres of life more actively every year. Security business is not an exception. For this sphere it is true to say that the future lays in the integration of monitoring, physical protection and IT-technologies.
There are quite a lot of call-centers in St.Petersburg and Russia today. There are also monitoring centers. But estimating the complex of functions, as well as the range of the customers the AN-Security plans to cover by means of its Monitoring Centre, one can only find this Centre’s analogues abroad. Besides, not only corporate bodies, but also private persons will be attracted as the Monitoring Centre’s clients. Various packages, different in the set of options as well as in their prices, will be offered to the private persons. Protection of the large hypermarket with a lot of premises or security of a one-room apartment, tracking position of one’s own car, a child, or even a dog – all this becomes possible in real time, and what is important for the clients, it becomes affordable, contrary to those expensive decisions, which one can come across at the security services market today.
