Business clients »
Attendant services
Having great experience on the security services market, realizing how vast the scope of objectives carried out by the enterprises of this sphere is, and directing its efforts, first and foremost, to ensuring the well-being of its customers, the company AN-Security came to the conclusion, that not only providing the high-quality protection may significantly reduce risks and increase the profitability of their businesses-customers. That is how in the year 2008 the «AN-Service» LLC (hereinafter AN-Service) was founded within the structure of the Holding company AN-Security.
The following attendant services are being provided by AN-Service:
1. Trolleys’ collecting.
Collecting, storing, sorting and washing of the buyers’ trolleys on the territory of commercial establishments.
Development of the network trade presupposes arranging modern commercial and entertainment complexes with advanced infrastructure, availability of parking lots for visitors, business processes’ outsourcing (cleaning, protection, maintenance). One of such subsidiary business processes is to collect buyers’ trolleys from the floor space and parking lots and to storage them. Nowadays, in the vast majority of cases, this job is assigned to the functions of the cleaning contractors, for which this task is the least priority among the number of other tasks. Furthermore, in case of the trolleys’ theft or damage the burden of liability falls on the trolleys’ owner, i.e. the retailer.
Meanwhile, the problem of trolleys’ theft and the related costs is becoming increasingly relevant as the retail network is expanding. The price of a trolley now ranges from 100 to 250 euro per unit, and the thefts occur regularly. Experience makes it clear, that the retail enterprises, which have not singled out trolleys’ collecting, storing and sorting as a separate business-process, lose a month 7 to 15 trolleys. And these are the primary funds’ losses, up to approximately 100 000.00 Rbl. a month.
On making the analysis of the situation AN-Security offers the retail networks the attendant services under the brand of AN-Service. The essence of the services is such, that the trolleys’ collection and storage are separated as a commercial business process, which is passed over to AN-Service’s outsourcing and provides for a measure of liability.
Thus, the Company-Client’s expenses are optimized: cleaning company is responsible for the maintenance of cleanliness (including the trolleys, like any other commercial equipment and accessories), operating company (or the operating department) takes care of the trolleys’ maintenance, and the AN-Service is in charge of its’ collection and safe keeping.
AN-Service extensively uses the experience in material assets protection, acquired by all the divisions of the Holding company AN-Security.
Using these services your company will increase its turnover and profit. Why?
- when the trolleys are in sufficient quantity and available to the customers in time, the passability of the shop increases;
- a client with a basket purchases goods for approximately 1 000,00 Rbl., and a client with a trolley – for 2 500,00 - 4 000,00 Rbl.
The advantage of the services has already been estimated to its true worth in 14 hypermarkets. Up to 10 0000 trolleys pass daily through the hands of the AN-Service staff.
2. Organization of parking processes.
Majority of the modern supermarkets, big institutions and business-centers have their own parking lots for the personnel’s and visitors’ cars. Parking lot is an important element in such objects’ structure, thus the tasks on its servicing should be solved with all the gravity, moreover so that the properly organized parking processes contribute to creating a first positive impression on the visitor.
AN-Service offers its prospective customers to take upon itself accomplishing of the following tasks:
- control of the parking processes;
- preventing cars damage and dismantling;
- organizing cars traffic and parking in accordance with the marking lines and the road signs on the parking lot;
- assisting visitors of the commercial enterprise in parking their cars, showing them to the vacant places;
- suppressing attempts of using roller-skates, skateboards and other driving vehicles on the territory of the commercial enterprise and the parking lot;
- providing for observation of the rules of using APS (automatic parking system);
- assistingvisitors.
3. Other services:
- cleaning services;
- implementation of a full range of building, construction and installation, repair, start-adjusting, finishing and special-construction works;
- repair and maintenance work in the field of municipal services;
- reception and processing of secondary materials, industrial and agricultural wastes;
- customer service at the gas stations and car maintenance stations;
- provision of a wide range of subsidiary works in industries;
- assistance in consumer services of organizations and citizens during cultural, athletic and recreational performances;
- staff to perform works requiring no special education, e.g. municipal services, planting of greenery, materials handling, etc.
AN-Service advantages:
All the employees are provided with a complete package of documents, enabling them to live and work on the given region of the Russian Federation.
All the employees are fitted out in the corporate uniform.
At the end of each calendar month a delivery-acceptance of the rendered services is carried out and the corresponding act is signed by the authorized representatives of both parties.
The Department of Inner Investigations (DII) takes control over the AN-Service employees’ performance and supervises the quality of the services, rendered by the Company’s staff on the territory of the Object. The DII also carries out search of the lost trolleys on the territories adjacent to the Object.
AN-Service bears responsibility in accordance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation for thefts of property, committed as a result of the Company employees’ duties violations.