Business clients »
Retail objects
Statistics of the commercial establishments’ security services as well as the reports of the State law-enforcement institutions inform about the daily thefts committed in the shops, super- and hypermarkets. Therefore, one of the tasks facing the security guard at the commercial establishment is to prevent thefts.
However, the work of the security inspector at the retail object, along with the thieves’ detention, presumes an active participation in the customer service process, because it is the security inspector to whom clients may first of all turn for help.
The main tasks facing the group of protection at retail object:
- ·protection of the Customer’s material assets;
- ·prevention of intrusions onto the territory of the protected object;
- ·implementation of the experience acquired by the Company in the sphere of the retail objects protection;
- ·control of the situation at the Object and the surrounding territory (parking lot);
- ·protection of the life and health of the personnel and visitors;
- ·maintenance of fire safety in the area of its responsibility;
- ·timely necessary measures in case of emergency;
- ·public order maintenance on the Object and the adjacent territory;
- ·prevention of conflict situations;
- ·detention of offenders and handing them over to the militia.
The existence of an integrated approach to compiling and implementing a safety concept allows the AN-Security’s group of protection to control the situation at each of the protected retail objects, and to efficiently respond in case of accidents.
Solving the tasks defined by the Agreement on security services, the AN-Security’s retail division implements also a series of functions, among which the following to be mentioned separately:
- revelation of the cases of preparation for thefts of the Customer’s goods and property and prevention of those cases;
- prevention of hooligan actions;
- organization of parking processes;
- first aid;
- ability to organize an evacuation of staff and visitors;
- interaction with the mobile groups of AN-Security and cooperation with militia detachments.