Business clients »
Principles of work
The most important characteristics in the work of any security company are the well-being and tranquility of its clients. These are also a major task for all the AN-Security’s divisions, be that physical or technical protection, analytical services or mass events security.
AN-Security strives to constantly improve the quality of services rendered to the clients, assuming the following principles as a basis of its work:
- security should correspond to the business of the client: the structure of security is determined by the particular tasks existing at the moment;
- the amount of security services should be minimally sufficient: the increase of the security services’ volume is needed when this is objectively justified;
- protection should be aimed not only at fighting the offences, but also at its prevention;
- the Company is always ready to dialogue with it’s client in solving the security questions, even though the aspect may lie beyond the frames of the association agreement.
Advantages of AN-Security’s service:
- individual approach to each client;
- effective and comprehensive accomplishment of any tasks related to security;
- consultations for clients at all the stages of cooperation;
- availability in the company of the Analytical Department helping clients to minimize the risks in business processes;
- compiling a detailed safety concept for the client at signing an association agreement;
- providing each client an individual manager, monitoring the Object of protection (KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER);
- Company’s human and technical resources, allowing taking the Object under protection in the shortest possible time;
- possibility to render to the clients HOT LINE service on preferential terms;
- counting on young and promising employees in matters of personnel policy.