Personal clients »
HOT LINE service
The program HOT LINE was specially created to assist clients in various emergency situations, requiring fast, often immediate solutions and to provide skilled assistance.
The service allows receiving savvy advice on personal security and gives the strategy of behavior in a conflict and potentially dangerous situations.
The program HOT LINE is a universal tool indispensable in emergency situations, encountering in everyday life. .
At the moment the Program HOT LINE acquires special meaning for the foreign companies’ employees and there family members, who come to Russia for permanent work or with short-time visits. This category of people often do not have a good grasp of the Russian language and are not well aware of the Russian legislation, thus, they are in a special "risk group" and require extra attention and protection. The foreign companies’ employees may be faced with situations, that demand an immediate response and urgent solutions.
The objective of the Program HOT LINE is to provide client’s securiy, undertaking all the necessary measures in each particular situation.
General directions of the Program HOT LINE:
- assistance in the settlement of all kinds of emergencies, coming to the scene of actio when necessary;
- advice on legal protection against unlawful encroachments;
- providing supplemental information;
- providing regular recommendations on behavior in potentially dangerous situations;
- practical assistance to the client when coming across the linguistic barrier in various public places.
The English speaking managers and the mobile groups’ employees will render qualified assistance to the HOT LINE clients in different situations.
Assistance in situations connected with the business and private car using:
- check of documents by the traffic officers;
- traffic accident;
- traffic accident staging;
- car breakage on the road;
- disappearance of the car from its parking place.
Assistance in cases of threats to personal security:
- pursuit by strangers on the street;
- manifestations of aggression;
- attempts to penetrate an apartment.
Assistance in cases of everyday troubles:
- failure of the elevator;
- gas escape;
- water-pipe bursting;
- apartment’s door locks breakage;
- organization of assistance in such cases;
- municipal and rescue services involving.
Assistance in other cases:
- uncommon situations on the street at the ID’s check by the law enforcement officials;
- loss of personal belongings;
- theft of personal belongings;
- theft from the apartment;
- calls to medical services;
- calls to other special services;
- ordering a taxi.
Any legal or private person may become a client of the Program HOT LINE after signing a bilateral Contract. Customer data are stored in the archive of the Company and are strictly confidential. Every client gets a personal card, where one’s ID number and HOT LINE telephone number are written. The card owners know, that they will be listened to very attentively and get all the necessary help within the Program HOT LINE in any district of the city.