Business clients »
Banks, offices and consulates
AN-Security is a sophisticated, high-tech, modern security Holding company, which occupies a leading position in the organization of protection and safety of the largest companies not only on the territory of St. Petersburg and the North-Western region, but also in 26 cities of the Russian Federation.
Nowadays AN-Security is a pioneer in European approach to the organization and implementation of protection, where the Customer can in full measure get an efficient service and find oneself secured from external and internal threats.
In addition to the protection of shops, commercial networks and other city objects, AN-Security provides security services to the banks, offices and Consulates. The means and methods of protection are in strict accordance with the legislation, if necessary, involving the law enforcement officers. AN-Security practices a principle of providing the services of maximum quality. For that purpose the mechanisms of quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the standards ISO 9001 are implemented. Protection should also be able to foresee and prevent the development of negative situations.
One of the functions performed by the group of protection at this type of the objects is implementation of admission regulations, based on a set of procedures and concepts, such as: “identification", "face-control", “registration”, “accompanying”, etc. Effective but unobtrusive admission regime is organized with the help of technical means of protection: access control system, CCTV, etc .
While ensuring the inside-the-object regulations, established by the Customer, the group of protection takes under its control the following processes:
- movement of staff and visitors;
- construction and other works realization;
- procedure of garbage disposal;
- implementation of various works beyond the working hours of the institution;
- cleaning of premises;
- opening/closing of premises.
Group of protection maintains public order and ensures that all the visitors and staff observe rules and regulations established by the Customer.
Prevention of fires is one of the main tasks of the group of protection on the Object. A separate topic is the ability of the security staff to act in case of fire. Such practical skills are achieved by means of trainings, including evacuation drills.
Security employees are trained to react in case of terrorist threat and other emergency situations.
Protection should also block threats associated with loss of material (cash) values. This may be achieved by means of standard procedures implementation.
A security guard is the first person who meets the visitors; he is often being addressed for assistance in different situations. Therefore, the guard on his post must realize that he makes the first impression about the Customer-company and should appreciate his involvement in maintaining its high image.
The advantage of AN-Security, as compared to other security companies, is its work aimed at prevention of risks to the security of protected objects. For that purpose the following divisions are included into the structure of the security company’s management: Security management, directly responsible for the physical protection; Risk management, providing analytical, informational-analytical and operational accompanying of the projects and fulfilling the tasks of minimizing risks during operational activities; other services.
In case of any situation affecting security, as well as for the localization of its consequences and prevention of such situations in the future, there may be involved all the necessary resources and opportunities available to AN-Security – group of companies operating under this brand.