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Analytical service
Rendering an efficient security service and thus contributing to the Customer’s commercial business requires today highly qualified specialists in the field of losses prevention, as the costs reduction, in the long run, is an important criteria of the business’ competitiveness.
Analysis of the losses prevention includes carrying out different measures, aimed at revealing and analyzing of the sources for the formation of the missing items’ cost; it presumes verification and control of the registered goods’ quantity compliance to the actual one, and reveals factors influencing the losses’ costs formation at all the stages of the goods circulation:
- taking-over;
- storage;
- pre-sale preparation;
- processing;
- laying-out in sales areas;
- sale;
- writing off and the subsequent disposal.
Some measures taken by AN-Security’s specialists within the frames of Agreement on the integrated security services provision:
- Quantitative analysis, consisting of comparing the stock-taken quantity of goods with its actual quantity; assessment of the correspondence of mass of the goods, taken over “by stencil”, to the physical mass of goods (mass of the ice, package, container); control over the writings off, etc.
- Qualitative analysis, including assessment of the compatibility of the grade of supplied and claimed goods’ quality, prevention of the low-quality goods deliveries, analysis of the necessary shelf life, temperature-humidity regimes etc.
- Revelation and analysis of the sources for the formation of the number of "negative" residues and its value.
- Control over the goods’ sale at the cash-lines, revelation of sources of losses at the cash-desks.
- Assessment of the equipment’s technical intactness, evaluation of weight elements and the necessary accessories.
- Analysis of the pre-sale preparation.
- Cooperation duringtheinventories.
- Audit of the technical means of protection.
An individual proposal on cooperation in the field of safety and economic security is possible to be created after a detailed analysis of the enterprise only.