AN -Security





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Security systems

A full-fledged technical protection presumes installation of the entire complex of security systems at the retail enterprise.

1. Public announcement system (back ground music).

The system is a network of speakers installed in an overhead ceiling or on the pylons or trays, which are connected to the central hardware installed, usually, at the information desk. The main purpose of this system is to alert visitors and staff in case of fire, but it is also used to broadcast background music and make announcements for the staff. In addition, there is a possibility for the Customer to get benefits from this system, for example, suppliers can make advertisements of their products with its help.

Besides, according to the rules of the fire safety each super- and hypermarket should have such a system.

2. CCTV system.

This is one of the most widespread security systems. Basically, it is divided into two types: analog and digital video surveillance (IP). 95% of supermarkets have got analog systems. The latest versions of systems (even analog) allow viewing image from the cameras via the Internet from anywhere in the world (if you have sufficient bandwidth/speed), and some programs allow managers to monitor their subordinates on the screen of their communicator/PPC.
Based on the CCTV systems, there also exist many recognition systems, which are used to identify car numbers, number of containers, faces, etc.

3. Cash-control operation system.

The system is based on the CCTV and enables comparing the information from the video-camera with the information from the point-of-sale. 

The image from the camera is associated with a cash-register receipt and the point-of-sale’s operations. Thereby a possibility is created to monitor errors or deliberate manipulation made by cashiers (lack of goods in the receipt, incorrect/illegal operations with the bank cards, payment for fewer goods, etc.). 

Operating this system requires a specialist trained to work with it. As there are such specialists in AN-Security, the Company may teach and train the staff for this work on its own.
The system is very relevant and is used in most hypermarkets. 
There also exist different variations of the system adapted to the requirements of a particular Customer.

4. Alarm system.

The system is used to control over the premises during the shop’s off-hours. It consists of various sensors, which are triggered under certain conditions (intrusion of unauthorized person, etc.) and transmit an alarm signal to the centralized monitoring desk, where the security personnel register it and react according to the instructions.

5. Access control system.

The system is intended to monitor the staff and to prevent unauthorized access to certain premises. All the doors, roller blinds and gates leading there may be equipped with the elements of this system. Various turnstiles are connected to the system too.
This system allows keeping track of the staff’s working time. 
Many systems allow combining an image from the cameras with the access control information. Door intercommunication equipment is related to the access control system too. Such systems are also used in the staff premises of the supermarkets to control personnel.

6. System of anti-theft gates.
The anti-theft gates are installed at the exits from the supermarket or at the cash aisles; the goods are marked with the anti-theft protection: either disposal stickers or non-expandable plastic sensors.  When an item with such protection is carried through the anti-theft gate, a beep sounds, onto which the security guards react and prevent a possible theft. 

These systems are divided into three types: radio-frequency, acoustical-magnetic and electro-magnetic.

7. Pneumatic collection system (pneumatic post).

The system is a network of plastic pipes from each cash-desk, joined in one channel and coming to the main cash office. Containers with money or documents are transported with the help of compressors along these pipes between cash-desks and main cash office, which makes the process of collection easier and safer.  Usually, these systems are installed in large hypermarkets. 
There are two types of systems: bilateral (when the container can be sent from the cash-desk to the main cash office and back) and unilateral (container is sent only from the cash-desk to the main cash office).